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Dr. Roger Freeman, Pastor

In 2008 a small band of believers joined together to start Grace Fellowship. I was its founding Pastor and am thrilled to be a part of this wonderful group of people. We are committed to reaching people for Jesus and becoming like Him in our character.

I was born and raised in Windsor, Ontario, Canada. I came to the US to go to John Brown University, a Christian college in Arkansas, where I met my wife Mary Jo. I spent several years in the beginning of my ministry as a youth minister and then went to Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Ft. Worth, Texas to prepare to be a pastor. I later completed my doctoral work at Luther Rice Seminary. I have pastored churches in Ohio and Missouri and also started another church several years ago in southern Missouri.

I love teaching the Bible and showing people the way to the exciting life Jesus offers.

I love hockey. Go Red Wings! 

I love my family: wife Mary Jo, three married children and nine grandchildren.

My life verse is Philippians 3:10, That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death.

My heart’s desire is to see as many people in Heaven as possible!

Mary Jo Freeman

Worship Ministry

Thomas Yuille 

Youth (6-12 Grade) & 

Outreach Ministry

Frenchy Clark

Men’s & Prayer Ministry

Kathy Bolyard

Women’s Ministry

Darin & Kathy Bolyard

Children’s Ministry (K-5th Grade)

Emily Conroy

Benevolence Ministry

Tiffany Yuille

Preschool Ministry

Grace Fellowship 

101 SW South Ave., Blue Springs, MO 64014